According to Feng shui kitchen should be compulsory worldwide, preferably - with much natural light to attract maximum amount of positive energy. This will allow s to enter the just-prepared food and will benefit the whole family.
Should cooker is facing facing the center of the dwelling. It is believed that as it increases the prosperity of the family. Cooker must be kept clean and in order. It symbolized oganya (Metal element) and wealth and should not generate negative emotions and energies. Broken dirty ovens and hot plates "defile" and prevent the powerful element of fire.
Situation of cooking should not be a back door to - any unexpected entry would it frightening and podraznilo. And that is transmitted to the food in the form of negative energy.
If the house has two floors, no bathroom is well above the kitchen. S restrooms create negative energy and thereby creates a collision between fire and water, leading to unrest and hassle at home. The kitchen should be located near the dining room to create in the kitchen can be reached Tsi untroubled by vsichki.Fan shui Kitchen
It's good in the kitchen to have a mirror, possibly higher. It also increases food which is a symbol of abundance.
Do not place the stove and fridge against each other, this leads to a collision between the elements and create adverse energies.
If you eat in the kitchen, you know that the shape, material and stability on the table is important for family welfare. Kitchen table should be mostly stable. This is a symbol of healthy family relationships. It is desirable table is made of wood or other natural material. Not buy a glass table for a meal! It will create energies and moods of tenderness, transience and lack of support.
Highlight the kitchen as possible. Use targeted lights, speckle, crystal chandelier. Put colored lamps, let light hands! Thus buckets mood will be transferred to you, but from there the food you prepare. Cook with love!
The saints colors are best for this room. White is good for the walls of the kitchen. This color is associated with the element metal. The white color helps harmonization between metal appliances in the kitchen.
It is not desirable kitchen can be seen from the front door. Chanove wind or special crystals, a false ceiling may be a good energy adjusted for these adverse placements.
Sets with knives, they were expensive and beautiful, should not work on eyes, this is bad Feng shui. Put them into a corner.
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